Traditional and contemporary Nordic/Baltic recipes

The collection of the traditional Nordic/Baltic recipes

The traditional recipes from Nordic/Baltic cuisine (Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania) and some other Nordic countries) with the focus on local products that enhance sustainability of the region. 

The collection of the contemporary Nordic/Baltic recipes

The contemporary recipes from Nordic/Baltic cuisine (Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania) and some other Nordic countries) with the focus on local products that enhance sustainability of the region. 

Video recipes with NO LEFTOVER recommendations in Nordic/Baltic Culinary Arts from Latvia 

Video recipes with NO LEFTOVER recommendations in Nordic/Baltic Culinary Arts from Iceland

Video recipes with NO LEFTOVER recommendations in Nordic/Baltic Culinary Arts from Denmark

Video recipes with NO LEFTOVER recommendations in Nordic/Baltic Culinary Arts from Estonia

Video recipes with NO LEFTOVER recommendations in Nordic/Baltic Culinary Arts from Lithuania