
Gagnvirkt stafrænt námskeið "NO LEFTOVER Nordic/Baltic Culinary Arts: 

" Stafrænt námskeið með námsefni og verkefnum fyrir kennara í fullorðinsfræðslu" Þróaðir námskeiðsþættir og vinnustofur sem eru ætlaðar til notkunar og kennslu fyrir mismunandi námskeiðshópa.  Kennskuefnið inniheldur myndefni, texta til lestrar, myndbönd, hljóð, verkefni til umræðu og gagnvirkt efni.  

Open access to Digital Course "NO LEFTOVER Nordic/Baltic Culinary Arts: Digital Course with Training Materials and Tools for Adult Educators" in Moodle

The interactive digital course is available on Moodle as an open-access resource here.  To access the interactive digital course, please log in as a guest.

Course guidlines for digital use for adult educators

The Course Guidelines on the ‘’NO LEFTOVER Nordic/Baltic Culinary Arts: digital course with training materials and tools for adult educators’’ provide the guidelines about the components of the digital course and explain how to use them. This comprehensive layout ensures that each topic is thoroughly covered, with clear objectives and practical outcomes to help participants integrate NO LEFTOVER principles into their professional culinary practices.

Access the Digital Course "NO LEFTOVER Nordic/Baltic Culinary Arts: Digital Course with Training Materials and Tools for Adult Educators" in Moodle, using this QR code!

Teaching and learning methods and course guidelines